Welcome to Écsy Kft.'s new website! Our prices contain 27% Hungarian VAT!
Écsy Kft. 1095. Budapest, Soroksári út 48.
Telephone number: +36 (06)1 425 23 68 ; +36 (06)20 572 26 27
Open hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:30-16:30, Friday: 8:30-16:00
Personal datas
Private or company buyer:
First name: *
Surname: *
Give your password *

Minimum 8 character!
The password should contain small and capital letters, as well as also a number!

Repeat password: *
E-mail address: *
Repeat your e-mail address: *
Phone number: *
Communication channel:
Student card number (HU):

Hereby You can give the number of your student card. (5% discount)

Company name / Invoice name: *

Company name or private name.

Invoice address:
Country: *
Post code: *
City: *
Street/number: *
Shipping address:
* Giving the data is required!